How to Add a Fire Pit to Your Deck

How to Add a Fire Pit to Your Deck

Sitting around the fire is a tradition that goes back farther than we can trace and it’s a tradition that’s stuck throughout the years for many reasons. One simple reason is that sitting by the fire is just a relaxing feeling. Combat chilly weather by spending evenings gathered around the fire with family and friends. Thanks to fire pits becoming more common and popular people are no longer having to wait to go camping in order to enjoy a fire at night.

Adding a Fire Pit to Your Deck

Designing a fire pit to add to your backyard is pretty simple and an inexpensive project that you will be able to enjoy for seasons to come. You can add a simple fire pit to your deck or go all out and make it a complex, eye-appealing project. The type of fire pit you add to your deck depends on your wallet size as well as your skill level. Here are some things to consider when you are deciding to start your fire pit project:

  1. Check for any local ordinances or building codes that are related to open flames or fire pits in your area. Make sure you thoroughly understand any limitations there are before you start building so you don’t find yourself in trouble for breaking any codes down the road.
  2. When determining the best spot for your fire pit you should take into consideration how close any location is to trees, structures, and your neighbors. Some building regulations state a specific distance from structures or property lines that fire pits must be so take those into consideration as well.
  3. Make sure the material you use for your fire pit is suitable for the amount of heat it will have to endure. Concrete is one of the most ideal materials because it can stand high temperatures and can be formed into uniform sizes and shapes.
  4. The best size for a fire pit is between three and four feet across which allows a fire to be large enough to warm up an entire area yet small enough to allow your guests to easily walk around your deck without being near any intense flames.
  5. Make sure that whatever decking material you have is strong and durable enough to withstand the weight of a fire pit before adding one. A great example of strong deck material that is perfect for holding a fire pit is hardwood like Red Balau since it is extremely sturdy and fire resistant.
  6. When you start to dig out your pit keep the sides of the holes perpendicular to the ground. A pit about a foot deep is  good size and to make sure you have good drainage you should fill the first 6 inches of your fire pit with gravel.
  7. If you are using bricks to build your pit and they will be above ground a good idea is to leave a few narrow air gaps in between the stones of each layer, which provides places for the fire to draw air in and keep burning.
  8. When laying your brick down you can use mortar or adhesives but when it comes time to repair or replace any broken bricks it is easier to do that if you dry lay your bricks, which means laying bricks without using any type of adhesive.

How to Stay Safe When Adding a Fire Pit

Many city and county codes require that any open flames on a deck cannot be within 20 feet of your home and for good reason. All it takes is one stray ember to ignite a fire that can not only destroy your deck but can spread to damage both your home and the homes of others. If you choose to use a fire pit on your deck and have checked all the codes and regulations involved then the best choice for safety is a gas fire pit that is designed to be used on a deck. You can buy one already made, build one yourself, or hire a professional to build one for you if you don’t feel completely comfortable doing it on your own.

Once you have your fire pit all set up and in place, remember there’s always more you can do to set up the perfect atmosphere around your pit. You can install lighting around your fire pit or leading up to it on your post caps. Solar lighting like Aurora Lighting is the best option since they use little energy and are good through all weather changes. Along with lights you can outfit your fire pit with accessories like speakers, iPod dock holders, and more making your deck the perfect place to spend your evenings.

Great Outdoor Lighting Techniques For Your Deck

Great Outdoor Lighting Techniques For Your Deck

After all the hard work you put into designing and building your deck you should be able to enjoy its beauty all day and well after the sun goes down. Which is why there are tons of options available like outdoor lighting that can help you be able to entertain your guests for as long as you like as well as just relax on your deck on those nights when the weather is beautiful without having to sit in the dark. Outdoor lighting can also help you bring attention to specific parts of your deck or can be used to illuminate your entire deck. Before making your choice as to which outdoor lighting option is best for you, you should ask yourself, “What is your reason for adding lights?” Is it to increase the safety and security of your deck, to allow you to use it for a longer amount of time, or simply for aesthetic reasons? There is no wrong answer and these are all good reasons to add exterior lights.

Three Basic Lighting Techniques

There are three basic lighting techniques that are used when installing outdoor lighting and they are; uplighting, downlighting and transverse lighting. Each of these terms refers to a specific placement of your light source in relation to the object you want to be highlighted by the light. Using an uplighting technique, the light will be placed below your subject so the light is cast up like with deck board lights that are placed directly into your decking boards. With downlighting the light is placed above the subject and is cast down. Just like when you’re walking under a street lamp and it casts light on you from above. Transverse lighting is when the light is simply placed across from the subject. Using table lamps or adding candles to specific areas is the most common way of doing this technique. If you don’t know exactly what basic lighting technique you want to use don’t feel like you have to narrow it down to one option because you can, in fact, use all three techniques if you like.

What Lighting Techniques Are There?

Some other well-known and useful lighting techniques that can be used to help illuminate your deck are:

  • Spotlighting. Spotlighting gives you the ability to draw attention to a particular item, structure, or area that you want and uses a single beam that can be easily installed.
  • Tree Lighting or Moonlighting. These are techniques that cast light either upwards illuminating the tree or downwards through the branches to create a moonlighting effect.
  • Silhouetting. This technique involves placing a light directly in front of the object you want to illuminate casting a shadow. It is most often used during the holidays as an addition to outdoor decorating.
  • Security Lighting. The goal of security lighting isn’t really to illuminate any attractive areas of your backyard. It is meant to catch lurkers or intruders who may hide in areas where your deck lighting may not reach and try to gain access to your home.
  • Grazing. This technique is used to show off the texture of the item being highlighted. If you have a deck with an interesting railing design like Fortress railing this is a great technique to use to show off its features. You can think of this technique as your deck’s way of holding a flashlight under your face like when you tell ghost stories in the dark.
  • Path Lighting or Spread Lighting. These techniques are most commonly used to illuminate walkways and certain features of the landscape around your deck. The lights used are partially shielded so they are not as intense as regular lighting and highlights only a small area. Great lighting options for this are Aurora Deck Lighting products like Polaris that is a solar powered lighting option that adds lights to the post caps that sit on top of your deck railing.

If you find yourself a bit overwhelmed with all the techniques available for you to use then you can simply go to your local home improvement store and speak with an associate there that will more than likely be able to help you find the best lighting technique for you and your deck. When used correctly all of these techniques can cause a dramatic difference to your deck and make it that much more fun to get out and enjoy your deck well into the late hours of the night. Some lights can even be installed with dimmers and timers so you can create the perfect mood you’re looking for once the sun goes down.

Features You Can Add to Upgrade Your Deck

Features You Can Add to Upgrade Your Deck

One of the most cost-effective home improvement projects homeowners can do is the addition of a deck. It is one of the few additions that has a high return on investment should you decide to sell your home.

You can ensure you’re getting the most from this smart investment with low-cost add-ons and special features that increase your deck’s appeal, and that will make your deck one of your home’s most enjoyable living spaces.

Hidden Fasteners for Decking

For years deck screws have been the preferred method for fastening deck boards together. They come in a variety of colors that blend in with various decking materials, don’t corrode, and secure boards extremely well. But, even with all of these benefits deck screws can develop splintered edges and trap dirt.

Hidden deck fasteners are a great alternative to deck screws because they hold deck planks down without being seen and leaving the deck surface looking sleek. There are plenty of deck fastener options available to match all the different types of decking materials. Hidden deck fasteners fall into three categories. One category fastens to the framing of the deck with a screw and grips the side of each plank. Another one fits into a groove in the side of the plank and is then fastened to the joist. And yet another type fastens from underneath the deck securing the decking onto the joists.

Installing hidden fasteners is extremely labor intensive so they are more expensive than deck screws. Although they may cost a bit extra many homeowners find that they are well worth the investment especially if you want your deck to have a seamless appearance. Tiger Claw hidden deck fasteners are a uniquely designed fastener that enhances the appearance of wood and is designed to install faster and easier than other fasteners.

Add a Sense of Flair with Planters

Give your deck character with planters. There are various shapes and sizes of planters that you can add to your deck to give it some color and quality. You can have built-in versions of planters that are often made of the same material as the decking and can be used as a way to separate certain areas of the deck from others. Built-in planters will need some means of drainage which means you will have to drill holes in the bottom of the container and any excess water will drain out the bottom of your planter. Along with planters there are also ceramic or cement pots that can be decorated in any fashion.

Make Your Deck More Visually Appealing with Cable or Glass Railings

Any deck that is more than 2 feet above ground is required to have railing in order to be considered up to code and safe but that doesn’t mean that if your deck falls below 2 feet you can’t add railing to your home for aesthetic appeal. There are many types of railing options available and one great railing type is cable railing. It is a thin stainless steel cable strung between wood or metal posts. Cable railings will also allow you to keep an amazing view of your landscape.

Another great option to keep your breath taking view is glass railings.  Glass railing, like Invisirail, is a low-maintenance railing that will not degrade over time and will protect you from your environment while lasting throughout all season types. It is easy to install and a perfect option for those who live near windy places like the ocean or open areas.

Shield Yourself From Harsh Rays With an Awning or Shade Sail

If you live in an area that gets a lot of sun then overhead structures like awnings can help shield your deck from the sun but they can be pretty expensive to install. Another alternative that is more eye-catching are shade sails. They are a UV-resistant polyethylene knit fabric that comes in a variety of colors. They provide shade by cutting the glare of sunlight while still letting a little light in. They not only provide shade they are also an aesthetically pleasing feature that many homeowners enjoy watching as they rise and fall in the breeze. Since shade sails are attached to the framing of your home it is highly recommended that you hire a professional to install it for you.

So if you’ve been looking at your deck for a while and feeling like a change is needed here are three ways you can easily upgrade your deck and make it look brand new.

Deck Staining Tips

Deck Staining Tips

As the days start getting warmer it becomes quite apparent that summer will be here before you know it. If you’ve decided that your deck needs to be stained or sealed, then it is very important for you to take the time now and learn how to do it right as well as the best stains or sealants available to you that will work with the decking material you have so you can enjoy your deck with all it’s beautiful features. With all of the activity your deck will see this summer, you will want to make sure that it is properly protected from the foot traffic, barbecues and harsh elements it can be exposed to. Check out these helpful tips that will ensure that you will be able to stain your deck and achieve professional-looking results, without paying professional-looking fees.

#1 Rule When Staining Your Deck: Start With a Clean Deck

The wood must be clean, dry and free of contaminants. If you try to apply stain or sealer over damp or dirty wood, then it won’t adhere properly and will have to be redone. Make sure there is no mildew as well. To achieve this, use a wood cleaner and thoroughly wash and scrub your deck. If there is still residual signs of old sealer, then you may need to wash your deck with a wood stain/sealer remover. The next step is to use a wood deck brightener, since wood cleaners and strippers can cause wood to darken. Let your deck dry thoroughly for a few days before you begin staining or sealing. Depending on the type of stain or sealer you choose, it is important to follow the application instructions. Some are designed to be applied with a brush while others can be applied with a roller, stain pad, or a sprayer. Pick the method that is best for your deck and its surroundings.

Some of the most common staining and sealing mistakes are applying too much and leaving marks. Avoid over-application by back-brushing any stain or sealer that has not been absorbed by the wood over the span of a few minutes. A swipe with an absorbent rag will work as well. Otherwise, the excess stain or sealer will leave a puddle that will drip or eventually leave a shiny spot that can flake off. To avoid marks, coat one complete board at a time, only moving on to the next board once the previous has been finished.

Some other helpful tips to keep in mind are:

  • During the prep phase, never use wire brushes or steel wool. This could imbed metal fragments into the wood which could rust and stain in the future.
  • Choose a quality product. Why take shortcuts in quality that can result in you having to repeat the process all over again?
  • Wear old clothes that you don’t mind ruining.
  • When washing your deck, protect any outdoor outlets you may have.
  • Protect surrounding plants and bushes with a breathable tarp during the cleaning and staining process.
  • Protect any paving stones and concrete around the deck from getting stain on them. It may not be possible to remove the stain if he gets on them.
  • Stain any vertical surfaces like railings first and floor surfaces last so you won’t have to walk over it to try and stain anything else and can just leave it alone to dry.
  • If you will need to use more than 1 gallon of stain, mix them all together before staining to make sure you will have a good color consistency.
  • Allow your deck finish to dry completely before replacing the deck furniture or allowing anyone to walk on it.
  • If you aren’t completely sure about adding a stain to your deck remember that there are some hardwoods like Red Balau Kit and Red Balau Batu that when left unstained age to a beautiful silver finish so you don’t always have to add a stain to your deck.

Staining your deck is a fairly simple task and it can keep your deck looking vibrant year after year. If your deck needs to be stained there are plenty of resources available to show you the proper technique and the best products to use. There are video tutorials as well as online articles available. You can even go down to your local home improvement store and see if they are offering any classes that will show you the proper technique to use. The quickest and most straightforward way to stain your deck is by first taking all your furniture and anything that can be moved on your deck off of your deck and pressure washing it. Once it is bone-dry you can apply your stain, making sure you don’t apply too much. Then simply sitting back and relaxing while your stain dries leaving you with a beautiful, shiny finish making your deck look brand new.